Sunday, April 14, 2013

"The Hobbit" by J. R. R. Tolkien

I'm not really a huge fan of J. R. R. Tolkien, but this is my favorite book written by him. The story is very captivating and it's easy to get into, the only problem with it is that there are quite a few places and characters to remember; just pay attention to it while you're reading! I really like the description of the book and how it starts off. It opens up by telling us the home of the Hobbit and how he lives his life. It's an interesting way to start a book and it's not done often but it was performed very well and it leaves a lasting effect on the reader. The book has amazing characterization; we see how the Hobbit really evolves from beginning to end. The plot was very interesting as well. It's about how Gandalf, "The most powerful wizard of all time" tricks Bilbo The Hobbit into hosting a party, and then everything goes downhill from there. It starts off rather lighthearted, but then it gets much, much more serious and thought provoking as time goes on. I don't want to spoil the book for anyone so I'll avoid saying more about the plot. Another thing I really like about this book is the time frame it's set in. Tolkien wanted to write a book that takes place in earlier times (way earlier times from now.) and it fits very well with the book and its style. I think Tolkien did a very good job with this book; as he made a very well written story. This is one of the most popular books; I think most adults of this generation have read it, if not all.

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