Sunday, April 14, 2013

Chronicles of Vladimir Todd, "12th Grade Kills" by Heather Brewer

This is the final book in the series, and it is by far the best book. This book ties up all the loose ends and finishes everything once and for all. This is where Vladimir unites with his father who he believed died in a fire that occurred at his house. The bodies were not found, so they just assumed that his parents had died. Little does he know that his father is well alive; however, he is in a lot of trouble with the vampire council. This is where Vlad comes in. D'ablo is alive as well, and he tried to get his father executed. The drama and the action is overwhelmingly good; Brewer never disappoints me. The characterization is astounding here, the characters have all developed, either for the better or the worse (that's for you to decide!) The tension between characters have severely increased, and it keeps increasing. What's interesting is that, as the series evolves, so does the author. It's like it changes her, and as it gets more intense, her ways of writing drastically improves as well. She took all of her heart into this series and it really shows off. Her writing style impresses me greatly. After writing this, I came to the realization that I should read more of her books. I'm not so sure why I haven't!

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