Thursday, January 24, 2013

"The Dead Zone"

I have recently gotten into Stephen King, and he is one of my favorite authors. He writes his books in such a way that captivates everyone, including me, and he uses so much description as well, it's like he is bringing his characters to life. This book is about a young boy named John that awakens from a deep coma. To his surprise, he has a special psychic detective ability that enables him to read someone's secrets. Another thing he realizes is that his colleague crush, Sarah Bracknell, has been married and had a child. He tells people about his ability to read the past, present and the future and eventually takes up a detective job from the sheriff. I'll stop talking about the summary for now, as amazing as it is. Just like all of the other books, this one has amazing characters. They are all so different from each other and they all contrast each other. John is a remarkable character, and the road that he follows plus the overall plot makes the read worth its while. As the mystery unfolds, the book continues to get better and better. There isn't that much that I can say about the book; it's better to read it and take in the charm and beauty it has to offer. Stephen King did a fantastic job with this book; I think this book is much better than Misery, this may even be his best book!

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